Night of Worship
Sunday, November 3, 6:00 PM
Auditorium - 214
If you love worship music, receiving prayer, and being in God’s presence, Night of Worship is for you! This an evening where we come together outside of our regular weekly Sunday morning rhythms and engage in an extended time of praise and prayer. Our worship leaders invite the Holy Spirit to meet us through musical worship, while our prayer team asks God for individual and group words for the room. We take time to listen, share, and respond to the invitations from the Holy Spirit as they come. Our prayer team members are available to pray with you anytime throughout the night. Maybe you have felt a longing in your heart, mind or soul for more time and space to slow down and connect with God on a deeper level. There is healing, freedom and joy in the presence of God! When we give God our full attention and posture our hearts to glorify and praise him, the Holy Spirit meets us in powerful and tangible ways. Join us as we set aside this intentional time to press into what God is doing in each us of individually and our community as a whole!