
Gospel of Wholeness

To be a follower of Jesus is to begin a process of becoming like him.

God has called each of us to be “transformed to the image of Christ” (2 Corinthians 3:18). God desires a people, who live and act like Jesus. And the good news is this: he has provided a clear path to become like him.

Gospel of Wholeness is a simple, biblical way to begin to develop a healthy and intimate relationship with God. By applying eight biblical truths to our lives, our somewhat dysfunctional relationship with God and others can be mended. We've seen many people experience loads of healing and help from learning how to overcome the affects of sin in our lives–either our own sin or the sin that has been done against us. This is a life changing opportunity that you will not regret taking advantage of.

Gospel of Wholeness Part 1

Gospel of Wholeness Part 2

Gospel of Wholeness Part 3

Gospel of Wholeness Part 4


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1533 W Arrowhead Rd. Duluth, MN 55811

3833 E Superior St, Duluth, MN 55804

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Tuesday 6-8pm & Saturday 9:30-11:30am

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