Freedom for Life
People are trying to get free from all kinds of addictions and bondages that have come to replace Jesus as the one who meets their needs. Freedom for Life teaches that Jesus is the center of all our efforts to recover and he is who we seek healing from; no matter what the sin is, the solution is always the same. In addition to prayer, support, and encouragement, Freedom for Life teaches people how to abandon their sins of choice and have a functional relationship with Jesus. We focus on pressing into a deep healing process, learning how to be completely honest with God, ourselves, and others, and come under the power of the Holy Spirit as we pray for real life change. Freedom for Life is 13 weeks long. Check online or in the program for the next class. If you have any questions about Freedom for Life, please email us.
Small Group Healing & Recovery Groups
Free of shame and judgement, these groups offer help to process pain, addictions and sin by meeting Jesus. Find out more about these groups in the Small Group Guide.