
Response Timeline

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Transparency is a high value at the Duluth Vineyard.  Our God requires it.  Ephesians 4:25, Proverbs 12:22, James 5:16 and Luke 12:2-3. This Response Timeline is one way we can be transparent about the response to Michael, Brenda and Jackson Gatlin’s abuse.  Just like the abuse itself, ours and Vineyard USA’s response to the abuse needs to come out into the light. That said, this Response Timeline is not perfect and there are limitations on what we can say. Transparency is not our only value. For example, the protection of victims, accountability, integrity and compassion are also important values. Further, we can only recount events from our perspective. If we discover errors in our reporting, we will be transparent, accept responsibility and correct any mistakes. We are committed to factual and timely disclosure, to the extent we are legally allowed and that protects victim identity. The Duluth Vineyard intends to keep this webpage posted in perpetuity in order to preserve these events and the lessons learned in institutional memory. For help interpreting the significance of these events, a good starting place is our GRACE Report and the book Bully Pulpit by Michael Kruger.

Last Updated:  January 10, 2025

Feb. 27, 2014 - Feb. 3, 2023 Updates

On February 27, 2014, allegations from outside the Duluth Vineyard community, from a former Vineyard lead pastor (Reporter), of spiritual abuse and bullying against Michael Gatlin reached the Duluth Vineyard Church Council.  On February 25, 2014, this report was emailed by the Reporter to the Vineyard USA Board of Trustees.  On February 26, 2014, such report was forwarded by Phil Strout (the then national director of Vineyard USA) to Michael Gatlin and (in turn) Michael Galin forwarded it to certain pastors on the Duluth Vineyard staff, including John Kliewer.  On February 27, 2014, John Kliewer forwarded such report to the Duluth Vineyard Church Council. To read related email messages, click here.

  • This report of bullying and spiritual abuse primarily relates to Michael Gatlin’s treatment of the Reporter and his wife in Michael’s role as a translocal leader for Vineyard USA.  However, the Reporter also alleges mistreatment of Duluth Vineyard staff. 
    “Beyond my personal experience with his leadership, I am concerned about Michael’s leadership at the Duluth Vineyard and in the Vineyard at large, because I have spoken to several others (people who are currently on Michael’s staff, people who were on Michael’s staff, people who were ‘under’ Michael in the church planting sphere, and people who have worked along side Michael) who have experienced similar harmful and manipulative treatment from him.”
  • In March 2014, the Church Counsel investigated the allegation of mistreatment of the Duluth Vineyard staff by having an “independent church council member” meet with staff, outside of Michael and Brenda Gatlin’s presence, and inquire about the allegations.  While some issues related to the Gatlin’s leadership were identified, the staff did not specifically corroborate the Reporter’s allegations.  In hindsight, this investigation is now seen as inadequate.
  • With regard to the alleged mistreatment of the Reporter and his wife, the Church Council took no action.  At the time, this was justified by the fact that the Reporter only sent his allegations to Vineyard USA and Michael was acting in his role as a leader for Vineyard USA.  The report was left to Vineyard USA to handle.  This was a mistake.  Michael Gatlin’s conduct in his “other job” working for Vineyard USA was relevant to his fitness to serve as Duluth Vineyard’s senior pastor.  And, Vineyard USA took no action (see July 26, 2023 Guidepost Report).
  • The November 20, 2023 GRACE Report finds a pattern of abuse consistent with the way Reporter and his wife were allegedly treated by Michael and Brenda Gatlin.  We believe the Reporter and his wife were victims of abuse.  The Duluth Vineyard and its Interim Senior Pastor (John Kliewer) lament and apologize to the Reporter and his wife for how Duluth Vineyard handled their report of bullying and spiritual abuse in 2014.  We are particularly sorry that we stood by while Michael and Brenda shared their hurtful opinions about the Reporter and his wife without us questioning or investigating Michael and Brenda’s statements.
  • In 2014, there was no communication between the Duluth Vineyard Church Council and Vineyard USA or between the Duluth Vineyard Church Council and the Reporter.  In 2014, the members of the Duluth Vineyard Church Council included Nick Capra, Desie Conway, Michael Gatlin, John Kliewer and Jerry Lieffring.  We can not speak definitively as to who was on the Vineyard USA Board of Trustees in 2014.  However, the Reporter emailed his report of abuse to Vineyard USA leadership at the time, which included members of the Vineyard USA Board of Trustees and the Vineyard USA Executive Team, including Doug Anderson, Phil Chorlian, Mark Fields, Happy Leman, Rich Nathan, Rick Olmstead, Lance Pitluck and Phil Strout.  Because he lacked their email addresses, the Reporter asked Doug Anderson to forward his report to Brian Anderson, Diane Leman and Becky Olmstead.  Others in Vineyard USA leadership may have been forwarded this report.  There is evidence that this report reached Jeff Heidkamp and Jay Pathak. 
  • See also Jay Pathak’s statement about the Reporter during Jay’s May 9-10, 2023 visit to Duluth.

On October 6, 2022, an individual (“Initial Reporter”) reported to the current Duluth Vineyard Youth Pastor (Clint Considine) that, approximately ten years ago when such individual was a high school student participating in Duluth Vineyard’s student ministries activities, an adult, volunteer leader (Jackson Gatlin) was having sex with a high school student participating in Duluth Vineyard’s student ministries activities and may have engaged in similar misconduct with other students (the “Initial Report”).  The Initial Report was based on contemporaneous statements made to the Initial Reporter.  The Initial Reporter said that they were not an eyewitness to the Initial Report.  At that time, the Initial Reporter was not in contact with any alleged victims.  The Initial Reporter did not tell (and has not told) the Duluth Vineyard the names of any alleged victims.  The Initial Report did not contain any allegation of wrongdoing against Michael Gatlin, Jackson Gatlin’s father and Senior Pastor.  The Initial Reporter originally stated that they heard from a potential witness that Brenda Gatlin (Jackson’s mother and former co-Senior Pastor) was made aware of misconduct at the time and had not taken the allegations seriously.  Later, the Initial Reporter said that they followed up with their source and the potential witness said that they were mistaken and did not have any reason to believe that Brenda knew at the time.

On October 11, 2022, Clint Considine brought the Initial Report to a member of Duluth Vineyard’s Senior Leadership Team (John Kliewer) pursuant to the Code of Sexual Conduct of Duluth Vineyard.  Because (a) Jackson Gatlin was then an employee of Duluth Vineyard in pastoral leadership, although he was an adult volunteer at the time of the alleged sexual misconduct, and (b) Jackson Gatlin was a relative of Duluth Vineyard’s Senior Pastor and President (Michael Gatlin) and Duluth Vineyard’s Vice President (Brenda Gatlin) in both cases as “relative” is defined in Duluth Vineyard’s Nepotism Policy, John Kliewer told Clint Considine that they were not going to tell Michael or Brenda about the Initial Report, but rather take it directly to the Duluth Vineyard Church Council (Board of Directors under Minnesota law).

Between October 12th and 16th, John Kliewer called four members of the Church Council (Ben Mork,  Ann LaCosse, Jerry Lieffring and Gerry Nierengarten) and delivered the Initial Report to them.  The Initial Report was not shared with the full Church Council, but only with these “independent Church Council members” as defined in Article V, Section 2 of the Church’s Bylaws in order to preserve the independence of any investigation of the Initial Report, to achieve the intent of the Nepotism Policy, and in keeping with the Audit Committee’s authority related to “the Church’s compliance with legal and regulatory requirements and ethical standards” as stated in the Charter of the Audit Committee.

On October 17, 2022, Clint Considine and John Kliewer met with the independent Church Council members (Ben Mork,  Ann LaCosse, Jerry Lieffring and Gerry Nierengarten) and discussed the Initial Report with them.

  • The group prayed for the victims.
  • The independent Church Council members determined that a Duluth Vineyard investigation of the Initial Report, conducted and managed independently of Duluth Vineyard’s management and employees, was required.
  • The independent Church Council members discussed options for such an independent investigation, including retaining GRACE (Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment).
  • Numerous meetings of the independent Church Council members followed.

From October 13, 2022 to December 14, 2022, the four independent Church Council members (Ben Mork,  Ann LaCosse, Jerry Lieffring and Gerry Nierengarten), with the assistance of John Kliewer, spent time in prayer, researched best practices for responding to allegations of sexual abuse within churches, and consulted with legal and other experts.

  • On November 7, 2023, Ben Mork first met with representatives from GRACE.  In the ongoing discussion with GRACE, they said that they could not start an investigation until January 2023 at the earliest.

On November 9, 2022, although (from the limited information available and their looking at the statutes) it was unclear to the Special Committee, John Kliewer and Clint Considine whether a crime had been committed, nevertheless Clint Considine delivered the Initial Report to the police. A police investigator told Clint that there was little the police could do without the victims’ names.

On November 23, 2022, Ben Mork and Clint Considine interviewed the Initial Reporter to better understand the Initial Report and better assess the Initial Reporter’s credibility.  The Initial Reporter did not tell the Duluth Vineyard the names of the alleged victims.

In December 2022, the independent Church Council members received confirmation, through the Initial Reporter, that alleged victims related to the Initial Report had indicated their willingness to cooperate with an independent investigation and tell their stories to GRACE.  This was the chief factor in the Special Committee deciding that it was time to suspend Jackson Gatlin.

In December 2022, while continuing to pray for victims, the independent Church Council members started researching and discussing how they could help victims in practical ways.  For more information, click here to read the statement that resulted from this work.

On December 13, 2022, Brian Brinkert and Casey LaCore were told of the Initial Report so that they could help with pastoral care and the suspension of Jackson Gatlin.

On December 14, 2022, Robb Morgan of Vineyard USA was informed of the Initial Report and the independent Church Council members’ plans to respond.  Robb Morgan provided his advice and counsel.

On December 14, 2022, the Church Council met.  All seven members were present, including Michael Gatlin.  The Church Council formed the Special Committee, established its authority, and elected its members (Ben Mork,  Ann LaCosse, Jerry Lieffring and Gerry Nierengarten).  Because the Special Committee members are “independent” as defined in Duluth Vineyard’s Bylaws (Article V, Section 2 – not current employee or employed within last three years, no business relationship, no relative who is or was employee or business relationship), the Committee is a key element in guaranteeing the independence of the investigation.  The second key element was retaining an independent, non-agent firm to conduct a professional investigation.  Similarly, Duluth Vineyard’s financial statements are audited by an independent, non-agent accounting firm that is retained by and delivers their report to an independent Audit Committee.  This investigation of misconduct deserves at least the same level of independence, care and professionalism.  For more details, click here to see the meeting minutes.

On December 14, 2022, at the Church Council meeting, Michael Gatlin was told of the Initial Report and that Jackson Gatlin would be suspended.  Michael and Brenda were told that they must cooperate fully with the independent GRACE investigation.  The Church Council prayed for Michael.  For more details, click here for the letter to Michael & Brenda Gatlin.

On December 14, 2022, Jackson Gatlin was indefinitely suspended by the Special Committee.  During this suspension, Jackson was not permitted on Duluth Vineyard property or to have any contact with any other employees or participants (past or present) in the Duluth Vineyard community, unless specifically authorized.  Jackson was also told that he must cooperate fully with the independent GRACE investigation.  Brian Brinkert and John Kliewer met with Jackson and prayed for him.  Jerry Lieffring (member of the Special Committee) and Michele DeNoble (member of the Church Council) also met with Lindsey Gatlin (Jackson’s wife), informed her of the Initial Report, and prayed for her.  For more details, click here to see the suspension letter.

From December 14, 2022 to January 29, 2023, the Special Committee, with the assistance of John Kliewer, continued to spend time in prayer, researched and discussed best practices for responding to allegations of sexual abuse within churches, and planned the Church’s response to the Initial Report.  Due to their limited availability, the Special Committee also waited for GRACE to be able to start their investigation.  It is very sad that a company like GRACE is so busy.

  • Early January 2023, Michael Gatlin suggested that both he and the Special Committee could use The Leader’s Journey for advice and support.
  • On January 20, 2023, after being contacted by Gerry Nierengarten (member of the Special Committee), Jim Herrington and Trisha Taylor of The Leader’s Journey met with the Special Committee, Michael Gatlin and John Kliewer to discuss the situation.  The Leader’s Journey requested a follow-up meeting with only the Special Committee.
  • On January 22, 2023, the Special Committee met with Jim Herrington and Trisha Taylor to discuss how The Leader’s Journey could help with pastoral care and communications advice and support.
  • On January 24, 2023, the Church Council approved the engagement of The Leader’s Journey.

On December 15, 2023, the Duluth Vineyard staff was told of the Initial Report and Jackson Gatlin’s suspension.  When asked about Jackson’s absence, staff responded with this statement:  “The Duluth Vineyard has suspended Jackson Gatlin during an independent investigation of misconduct. At present, the allegations against him involve conduct from several years ago. Please contact John Kliewer with any questions or concerns.”

On December 21, 2022, Robb Morgan of Vineyard USA said in an email to Special Committee members, “While we know that it is complicated, I do think that any decision that requires ongoing leadership and pastoral care will need to include Michael  – he will have to lead from the front even though the relationships make it quite complicated. I do think it’s wise to remove Michael and Brenda from the oversight of the investigation and pastoral care of Jackson. I do however, believe Michael will have the most wisdom to be offered as it relates to how you move forward as a church.”  To read the full email message, click here.

On January 6, 2023, Brenda Gatlin sent a message to John Kliewer, Brian Brinkert, Casey LaCore and Michael Gatlin objecting to Duluth Vineyard’s response to the Initial Report. In addition to her arguments and opinions, the message contains a number of false statements and mischaracterizations. To read this message, click here. After it was sent to Duluth Vineyard staff, Brenda sent her message to Robb Morgan at Vineyard USA and Vineyard USA does not appear to have placed any limits upon Brenda (their employee) or otherwise told her to stop trying to use her position of power, spiritual authority and access to influence the independent investigation.  To read related email correspondence, click here.

On January 8, 2023, despite being directed in the December 14, 2023 letter not to discuss the investigation with anyone other than GRACE, the Church Council, Senior Leadership Team or Michael Gatlin, Brenda Gatlin confronted two junior staff members at the Duluth Vineyard worship service.  She discussed the investigation with them and tried to persuade them to her viewpoint in an attempt to influence the investigation.

On January 8, 2023, Brenda Gatlin, Michael Gatlin, John Kliewer, Brian Brinkert and Casey LaCore met to discuss Brenda Gatlin’s January 6th written message.  In the meeting, Brenda reiterated and emphasized her viewpoints in the January 6, 2023 written message.  She strongly objected to having GRACE conduct the investigation because of her belief that a GRACE investigation would be too hard on her and her son.  She attempted to use her spiritual and positional authority, insults and bullying behavior to influence the investigation and suspension.  Brenda denied trying to influence the investigation and suspension, had a hard time agreeing with the need for an independent investigation and never fully committed not to try to influence it, and threatened to not cooperate with GRACE.  Michael Gatlin mainly asked questions and did not object to Brenda’s behavior.

On January 9, 2023, John Kliewer emailed Robb Morgan at Vineyard USA concerning Brenda Gatlin’s objections to GRACE conducting the independent investigation, some of her concerns she attributed to Robb Morgan. To read the email messages, click here. Robb’s reply that day included (a) a restatement of his views concerning GRACE, (b) his view that communications should include Michael and Brenda Gatlin to avoid “unhealthy triangles”, and (c) further support of Michael’s leadership, “I have strongly encouraged you to involve Michael Gatlin’s wisdom in the matter.” In additional emails on January 10th, Robb wrote in part:

  • “Regarding decisions making – it may be helpful to have the 4 levels of authority as a working model. Point Authority, Veto Authority, Input and Inform. It seems to me like your special committee has point authority in this matter and that Michael will need to offer input to certain matters. It is also true that Michael in his role carries Veto authority and will have to work hard NOT to use it – which I have confidence he can.”
  • “Re: GRACE – Brenda and Michael can (maybe even should) provide input as to who you choose to conduct the investigation. If they have concerns, voicing them will actually be helpful to all involved – relationally and practically. Once they have provided input ( a part of the authority model), they need to defer to those who have point authority to make a decision. If they exercise Veto authority, that would jeopardize the independence. If their concerns are legitimate and the committee acts on them and chooses another agency – then you’ll have to trust the methodology of the agency to conduct an independent investigation – which they should be able to do based on the nature of this sort of work.”

On January 10, 2023, Michael Gatlin acknowledged to the Duluth Vineyard staff that Brenda Gatlin had engaged in spiritual abuse and inappropriate behavior, including during the January 8, 2023 meeting.  The staff was given the opportunity to describe the impact this had upon them. Michael also stated that he had discussed Brenda’s spiritual abuse with Jay Pathak of Vineyard USA.

On January 13, 2023, Robb Morgan updated the Vineyard USA Trustees. In his email, Robb discusses support for the Gatlins and the church, but does not mention support for victims nor Brenda’s spiritually abusive efforts to influence the investigation. To read the email messages, click here. Michael Gatlin forwarding this email, as well as conversations with staff where he recounted comments Jay Pathick made to him, are examples of how Michael used VUSA’s response to frame and minimize the situation.

The week of January 16, 2023, Ben Mork (chair of the Special Committee) signed a contract with GRACE retaining them for the purpose of conducting an independent investigation and analysis into allegations of past sexual misconduct by Jackson Gatlin.  It was very important to the Special Committee to retain a firm that, because they are not the agent nor owe a duty to zealously represent the Committee (such as a law firm), could conduct a victim-centric investigation.  This contract includes the following important and valuable provisions:

  • Both parties understand and acknowledge that GRACE is not an agent of Duluth Vineyard but is operating with complete independence and autonomy in conducting the above-referenced Independent Investigation and Analysis.
  • GRACE shall investigate allegations of sexual misconduct by alleged offender, Jackson Gatlin, from approximately 10 years ago when he was a volunteer leader in Student Ministries at the Duluth Vineyard Church and If there have been any instances of sexual misconduct while Jackson Gatlin has been employed by Duluth Vineyard starting in 2017.
  • GRACE shall also Identify any failures related to Duluth Vineyard management, inadequate policies or cultural factors that may have contributed, including to what extent (if any) Duluth Vineyard management was aware of any allegations of sexual misconduct by Jackson Gatlin and how the church responded.
  • As part of the Final Report, GRACE shall provide recommendations based on its findings, analysis, best practices, Scriptural values, and SAMHSA’s Six Key Principles of Trauma-Informed Practice.

Actual names of alleged victims shall not appear in the Final Report.

Middle of January 2023, the Special Committee was told by GRACE that they were able to begin their investigation at the end of January or early February.  This was the chief factor in the Special Committee deciding that it was time to make the Initial Report public.

On January 13, 2023, while continuing to pray for victims, the Special Committee started discussing the initial draft of its Victim Advocacy Response statement.  For more information, click here to read the statement that resulted from this work.

On January 29, 2023, members of the Special Committee, John Kliewer, Trisha Taylor and Robb Morgan met to prepare for the Leadership Team meeting that day.  In light of her recent behavior (including using her position of power, spiritual authority and access to influence the independent investigation), the consensus was that Brenda Gatlin should not attend the leadership meeting.  John Kliewer suggested to Robb Morgan that Vineyard USA direct their employee Brenda not to attend the meeting. Vineyard USA declined. Rather, a consensus was then reached that Trisha Taylor would speak to Brenda and Trisha told Brenda not to attend the meeting.

On January 29, 2023, the Special Committee told the Duluth Vineyard Leadership Team about the Initial Report, the Special Committee, and the independent GRACE investigation.  Michael Gatlin delivered a statement and then left the meeting.  Trisha Taylor and Brian Brinkert also discussed the pastoral care response at this meeting.  Robb Morgan shared Vineyard USA’s perspective and support for the Duluth Vineyard.

On January 29, 2023, the Special Committee sent an email to members and attenders of the Duluth Vineyard informing them of the Initial Report, the Special Committee, and the independent GRACE investigation.  For more information, the text of this email is on the updates page of our website.  The message also included a few of the key principles guiding the Special Committee:

  • We will continually seek Jesus’ mind and will, through His Spirit and the Word of God, in all actions and decisions related to the allegations of misconduct.
  • As Jesus said the truth will set us free, we will diligently seek the truth related to the allegations of misconduct.
  • As Jesus was always on the side of the vulnerable and the wounded, in our response to the allegations of misconduct the safety and care of the alleged victims must always come first.

On January 30, 2023, local media began reporting on the Initial Report, the Special Committee, and the independent GRACE investigation.

On January 30, 2023, victims showed extraordinary courage and began to share their heartbreaking stories of abuse by Jackson Gatlin on social media. This was the first time the Duluth Vineyard had the names of reporting victims. These stories included allegations of sexual assault and went beyond the Initial Report. On social media, a reporting victim and her mother said that Michael and Brenda Gatlin were told about Jackson Gatlin’s sexual abuse at the time and failed to act.

On January 31, 2023, now with the names of the victim’s who told their stories on social media, Clint Considine again delivered the Initial Report to the police and pointed the police to the social media posts discussing abuse by Jackson Gatlin.  Clint Considine also shared with the police the same contact list of potential witnesses that the Duluth Vineyard had given GRACE, including (with their permission) the name of the Initial Reporter.  The Duluth Police Department case number is 22014633.

On February 1, 2023, the Special Committee reached out directly to a witness to clarify the allegation that Michael and Brenda Gatlin were told about Jackson Gatlin’s sexual abuse at the time and failed to act.

On February 1, 2023, Vineyard USA placed  Brenda Gatlin on a 30-day leave of absence.

On February 2, 2023, the Special Committee placed Michael Gatlin on an indefinite leave of absence.  The Special Committee’s decision to place Michael Gatlin on a leave of absence, rather than suspend him, was based on the relative strength of the allegations against him.  For more information, click here to read the letter confirming the leave of absence.

On February 3, 2023, the Special Committee sent an email to members and attenders of the Duluth Vineyard informing them that the Senior Pastor (Michael Gatlin) had been placed on a leave of absence.  For more information, the text of this email is on the updates page of our website.  The message also included the following statement from the Special Committee:

  • We want to say to all survivors of abuse that we hear you and believe you. It is never your fault. And, you are not alone. We are praying for you and we call our community to a time of prayer and lament. As Jesus was always on the side of the vulnerable and the wounded, in our response to abuse the safety and care of survivors must always come first.

Feb. 5, 2023 - Feb. 20, 2023 Updates

On February 5, 2023, the misconduct allegations against Jackson, Michael and Brenda Gatlin, the Special Committee, and the independent GRACE investigation were discussed at the Duluth Vineyard’s worship services.  Gerry Nierengarten (member of the Special Committee) and John Kliewer presented the factual background as a Q&A.  Jim Herrington of The Leader’s Journey and Brian Brinkert gave a talk on how to process this situation as followers of Jesus.  For more information, click here to watch the service.

On February 6, 2023, Ann LaCosse (member of the Special Committee) met with the Duluth Vineyard’s insurance carrier to discuss the Special Committee’s Victim Advocacy Response statement.  For more information, click here to read the statement.

On February 8, 2023, the Special Committee’s Victim Advocacy Response statement started to be shared with individual victims by the Duluth Vineyard pastoral staff.  For more information, click here to read the statement.

On February 9, 2023, the GRACE investigators toured the Duluth Vineyard’s Arrowhead facility and requested and received copies of documents.  The investigators are former police sex crimes investigators with extensive experience.

On or before February 9, 2023, the GRACE investigators requested an interview from Jackson Gatlin and he directed all questions to his attorney.

On February 10, 2023, Vineyard USA suspended Brenda Gatlin pending an investigation by Vineyard USA.

On February 10, 2023, the Special Committee sent a letter to Michael Gatlin confirming that he had been placed on a leave of absence.  While on leave he was not permitted upon Duluth Vineyard property or at Duluth Vineyard events without written authorization.  Beyond the Special Committee, Michael was directed not to discuss the allegations or the misconduct with any participants (past or present) in the Duluth Vineyard community.  Michael was also reminded that he must cooperate fully with both any law enforcement investigation and the Special Committee’s independent investigation.  For more information, click here to read the letter confirming the leave of absence.

On February 10, 2023, Ben Mork (chair of the Special Committee) emailed Jackson Gatlin to ask if he would meet with GRACE as requested by GRACE.  In Jackson’s response, he did not agree to cooperate with GRACE.  For more information, click here to read the email exchange.

On February 11, 2023, Michael Gatlin sent a text message to the Special Committee stating that he fully intended to abide by the parameters of his leave.

On February 11, 2023, Ben Mork (chair of the Special Committee) emailed Jackson Gatlin and told him that his failure or refusal to go through with the interview with GRACE, as previously directed and requested, may result in the termination of his employment with the Vineyard Duluth.  Jackson was asked to advise whether he would meet with GRACE as previously requested and directed.  Jackson did not so advise.  For more information, click here to read the email exchange.

On February 12, 2023, the Special Committee terminated Jackson Gatlin’s employment for his failure and refusal, as requested and directed, to meet with the GRACE investigators.  The Special Committee offered Jackson a $3,197 payment in exchange for a release of all his claims against the Duluth Vineyard.  Jackson did not accept this offer and no payment was made.  For more information, click here to read the notice of termination.

On February 12, 2023, VineyardKid’s hosted a training with First Witness and PAVSA at the Duluth Vineyard for staff and volunteers.

On February 13, 2023, GRACE asked John Kliewer to search Duluth Vineyard’s files and email accounts for a multipage complaint letter related to HLI (the “HLI Complaint”).  The 56 page complaint was found that day.  At the time it was made, the HLI Complaint went to both Michael and Brenda Gatlin.  The many allegations in the HLI Complaint include behavior constituting sexual harassment under Duluth Vineyard’s policies, harsh and unkind treatment, and spiritual abuse by Jackson Gatlin and spiritual abuse by Brenda Gatlin.  No record of any investigation or disciplinary action was found.  At the time these complaints originally surfaced, the Church Council was evaluating and deciding whether to continue the HLI program.  Neither Michael nor Brenda shared this pertinent information with the Church Council. The HLI Complaint was also shared with Vineyard USA on February 13, 2023.  On February 13, 2023, Duluth Vineyard also repeated its request of VUSA for information related to an internship Jackson claimed to have done at Mile High Vineyard.

On February 15, 2023 the Church Council met.  Six members were present and Michael Gatlin was absent.  The Church Council clarified the authority of the Special Committee and revoked a temporary exemption to Duluth Vineyard’s Nepotism Policy that allowed Michael Gatlin to oversee Lindsey Gatlin.  The Church Council decided it would no longer approve any exceptions to the Nepotism Policy.  For more information, click here to read the Council resolutions and click here to read the Nepotism Policy.

  • Pursuant to Duluth Vineyard’s Nepotism Policy no exemptions to the policy will be made without the consent of the Church Council.  Jackson Gatlin was hired by Michael and Brenda Gatlin in March 2017 without an exception.  Later, on April 19, 2017, August 15, 2018 and August 21, 2019 the Church Council approved temporary (generally one year) Nepotism Policy exceptions for Brenda to oversee Jackson.  On February 9, 2022, the Church Council approved a one year Nepotism Policy exception for Michael to oversee Jackson.  These exceptions were presented or proposed to the Church Council by John Kliewer as Corporate Secretary for Michael Gatlin.

In Scot McKnight and Laura Barringer’s helpful book A Church Called TOV, they write:  “Toxicity will take root in a church’s culture when the congregation and leaders interact in toxic and dysfunctional ways, until the balance tips in the direction of toxicity. When a church’s culture becomes toxic, the challenge to resist becomes harder and harder. To resist a toxic culture-especially one that is famous for its ministries, its leaders, its impact -requires courage, hope, and perseverance. Never underestimate the power of culture.” and  “We, as the church, by the power of the Holy Spirit, have to do the hard work of speaking frankly about our sins and failings, repenting actively, and reconstructing a church culture rooted in truth, grace, and transparency.”

On February 15 and 16, 2023, Duluth Vineyard and VUSA discussed Brenda Gatlin’s limited employment by the Duluth Vineyard.  To read the related emails, click here.

On February 17, 2023, the Special Committee requested and received information from HLI founding director Jenna Stepp concerning the HLI Complaint.

On February 17, 2023, GRACE informed the Special Committee that they had received other allegations of misconduct (not sexual) regarding Jackson (including in the HLI Complaint) that went beyond the scope of the investigation in Duluth Vineyard’s legal contract with GRACE.  GRACE did not want to assume the Special Committee would like them to investigate these other allegations and requested to amend the scope of their investigation.

On February 17, 2023, Ben Mork (chair of the Special Committee) emailed Michael Gatlin and directed him to submit a written statement to the Special Committee, no later than Sunday, February 19, 2023 at noon Central Time, detailing his response and the actions he took, if any, to the HLI Complaint.  The email also directed Michael to be interviewed and answer questions about this matter for the Special Committee or its agent.  This action was separate and apart from the GRACE investigation.  The Special Committee had determined that, if Michael had failed to respond to the HLI Complaint, it likely constituted a fireable offense and thus decided to conduct a separate limited investigation of the HLI Complaint, using Justin Terch of Terch & Associates to interview Michael.  For more information, click here to read the email.

On February 18, 2023, Michael Gatlin asked for access to his Duluth Vineyard google account to reconstruct his response to the HLI Complaint.  Due to the risk of evidence tampering, the Special Committee said no.  For more information, click here to read the email exchange.

On February 19, 2023, the noon deadline passed and Michael Gatlin had not provided the written statement that he was directed by the Special Committee to submit.  The Special Committee again directed Michael to provide a written statement detailing his response to the HLI Complaint and set a new deadline of no later than February 20, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. Central Time.  The Special Committee also advised Michael that failure to provide such a statement or to be interviewed may result in the termination of his employment with the Vineyard Duluth.  Such a termination would have also resulted in his automatic removal as Senior Pastor and President.  For more information, click here to read the letter to Michael (although the letter was sent on February 19, it was wrongly dated February 10).

  • Under Article VII (Officers) of Duluth Vineyard’s Bylaws, Senior Pastor is a corporate officer position, like President, Treasurer and Secretary.  Officers need not be employees.  Generally, removing someone from the officer position of Senior Pastor requires a vote of the Church Council, Senior Leadership Team and Congressional Members.  However, if the Senior Pastor is an employee, the Bylaws say that:  “Any officer whose employment is terminated by [Duluth Vineyard] for any reason shall be automatically removed from office.”

On February 19, 2023, the Special Committee expanded the scope of GRACE’s engagement to include the HLI Complaint, any similar spiritual abuse, and how the church responded, including Michael and Brenda Gatlin’s response.

Because they are independent and not the agent of the Duluth Vineyard, GRACE was not keeping the Special Committee informed of their interview requests.  However, based on indirect evidence (including statements made by Michael Gatlin) the Special Committee believes GRACE requested an interview of Michael Gatlin on or around February 19, 2023.

On February 20, 2023, Michael Gatlin resigned as Duluth Vineyard’s Senior Pastor.  That day the Special Committee, with a heavy heart, accepted his resignation.  Michael’s resignation preempted the Special Committee terminating him for insubordination, particularly his failure to provide a written statement as directed.  Because GRACE requested that his resignation letter not be shared (due to the possibility of it interfering with their investigation), the Special Committee did not make Michael’s resignation letter public at that time.  Now that GRACE’s investigation is complete and they have delivered their report, you can click here to read his resignation letter.  The Special Committee’s response to Michael’s resignation letter is on the updates page of our website and is dated May 8, 2023.

On February 20, 2023, the Special Committee terminated Brenda Gatlin’s limited joint employment.  Although at the time Brenda performed work for Vineyard USA as a Super Regional Leader and not for the Duluth Vineyard, she was paid by the Duluth Vineyard using funds provided by Vineyard USA.  In this limited sense, she was a joint employee.  Further, after her departure in 2021 to work for Vineyard USA, Brenda continued to be the corporate Vice President of the Duluth Vineyard.  Michael was the President and with his resignation Brenda would effectively become the acting President.  Under Article VII, Section 3.D. of Duluth Vineyard’s Bylaws, terminating Brenda’s employment automatically removed her as Vice President.  For more information, click here to read the notice of termination.

On February 22, 2023, Gerry Nierengarten (member of the Special Committee) texted Michael Gatlin on behalf of the Special Committee to tell him that she was praying for him and that (1) his request for severance was being considered (no severance or other payment has been paid), (2) a time needed to be arranged for him to collect his personal items and return all Duluth Vineyard property, (3) he was directed not to attempt to sign onto the Duluth Vineyard computer network or to come onto any Duluth Vineyard property, and (4) that the Special Committee would likely make an announcement of his resignation before Sunday, February 26th.

On February 23, 2023, the Special Committee told the Duluth Vineyard Leadership Team that Michael Gatlin had resigned as Duluth Vineyard’s Senior Pastor. Brian Brinkert and Steph Bremer also discussed the pastoral care response at this meeting.

On February 23, 2023, the Special Committee sent an email to members and attenders of the Duluth Vineyard informing them that Michael Gatlin had resigned as Duluth Vineyard’s Senior Pastor.  For more information, the text of this email is on the updates page of our website.  The message included the following statement from the Special Committee:

  • For all of us who love Michael and have benefited from his ministry as the Senior Pastor of the Duluth Vineyard, we remind you that more than one thing can be true at the same time. Michael is a gifted leader and God has used him in powerful ways. Michael has helped many of us experience the love and new life that Jesus brings. And, at the same time, Michael is human just like us. We all fall short. We need to be patient and wait for the fact finding to be complete, yet the allegations against Michael are serious.

On February 24, 2023, Brenda Gatlin resigned as Super Regional Leader of Vineyard USA with a resignation letter substantially similar to Michael Gatlin’s letter of resignation from the Duluth Vineyard.

On February 24 and 25, 2023, Robb Morgan sent emails to Duluth Vineyard expressing Vineyard USA’s concerns related to both Duluth Vineyard’s failure to share Michael Gatlin’s resignation letter (as requested by Michael and objected to by GRACE) and Duluth Vineyard’s tone of communications with the Gatlins.  To read the email messages, click here.

On February 25, 2024, Vineyard USA informed the Duluth Vineyard of Brenda Gatlin’s resignation and asked to discuss severance packages.  To read the email message, click here.

On February 26, 2023, the resignation of Michael Gatlin as Duluth Vineyard’s Senior Pastor was discussed at the Duluth Vineyard’s worship services. Gerry Nierengarten (member of the Special Committee) and John Kliewer presented the factual background as a Q&A. Trisha Taylor of The Leader’s Journey and Steph Bremer gave a talk on how to process this situation as followers of Jesus. For more information, click here to watch the service.

On February 26, 2023, VUSA and Duluth Vineyard discussed Duluth Vineyard’s objection to VUSA making certain information public on a password protected website.  To read the email messages, click here.

On February 26, 2024, Vineyard USA requested feedback on videos it planned to use to communicate about the situation publicly. Duluth Vineyard provided feedback, but no changes were made to the videos by VUSA in response to Duluth Vineyard’s feedback. To read the email message, click here.

On February 27, 2023, an update to Vineyard USA’s website included a 27-minute video from Jay Pathak. In the video, Jay says “Everything has to come into the light and this is beyond painful to process but it’s important that everything comes out into the light.” To watch the video, click here.  After the posting of the video, victims of abuse and others within the Duluth Vineyard community raised concern about the video.

On February 27, 2023, Vineyard USA asked Duluth Vineyard to discuss severance for the Gatlins. To read the email messages, click here. No severance or other similar payment have been paid by the Duluth Vineyard to the Gatlins. Vineyard USA did make separation related payments to the Gatlins.

On February 28, 2023, the Special Committee started to use the framework for reconciliation in Psalm 85:10 to guide them. For more information, click here for “The Meeting Place” by John Paul Lederach and click here for Truth Justice Mercy Peace by David Works.

On March 8, 2023, Robb Morgan and the Special Committee discussed severance on a video call. To read the related email messages, click here. No severance or other similar payment have been paid by the Duluth Vineyard to the Gatlins. Vineyard USA did make separation related payments to the Gatlins.

On March 24, 2023, John Kliewer emailed Robb Morgan regarding the impact of Jay Pathak’s 27-minute video on the Duluth Vineyard. To read the email message, click here.

Mar. 28, 2023 - Nov. 26, 2024 Updates

March 28-29, 2023, the Special Committee and staff consulted with Robb Morgan, Managing Director, Vineyard USA during his visit to Duluth.

On April 17, 2024, Vineyard USA asked Duluth Vineyard for clarification regarding church discipline for the Gatlins.  To read the email messages, click here.

On May 4, 2023, the Duluth Police Department executed a search warrant at the Duluth Vineyard’s Arrowhead location.  The Duluth Vineyard cooperated fully.  The Special Committee’s statement at the time is on the updates page of our website.

May 9-10, 2023, the Special Committee and staff consulted with Danny Mercado, Regional Leader, Midwest North, John Elmer, Super Regional Leader, Vineyard USA, Robb Morgan, Managing Director, Vineyard USA and Jay Pathak, National Director, Vineyard USA during their visit to Duluth. During the visit, a list of ways VUSA could support Duluth Vineyard was presented: click here. When asked to take down Jay Pathak’s 27-minute video, Vineyard USA stressed that they were focused on a different audience for their communications and that senior pastors throughout the Vineyard are concerned about being thrown under the bus by VUSA. Church Discipline was also discussed. In addition, while discussing the response to a report of abuse in 2014 from a former Vineyard lead pastor (Reporter), Jay Pathak described Reporter as a “bad guy”. Jay’s comment was first reported to Guidepost Solutions on July 15, 2023. To read the email, click here.

From May 10 to 22, 2023, Duluth Vineyard solicited and received input from Vineyard USA on church discipline. To read related emails, click here.

On May 15, 2023, the Special Committee put Michael and Brenda Gatlin under church discipline and laid out the start of a path for reconciliation and restoration.  Church discipline is divine authority delegated to the church by Jesus to maintain order through the correction of sinning church members for the good of those caught in sin, for the purity and unity of the church, and for the glory of God.  For more on church discipline, please see Matthew 18:15-20, Romans 16:17-18, 1 Corinthians 5, Galatians 1:8-9 and 6:1-2, 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15, and Titus 3:10-11.  As of January 10, 2025, Michael and Brenda have not expressed or demonstrated a willingness to participate in the process of reconciliation and restoration the Special Committee described.  For more details, click here to see the church discipline letter sent to Michael and Brenda.

On May 15, 2023, a letter was sent to Jay Pathak from the Special Committee regarding Michael Gatlin’s separation. This letter was requested by Jay. To read the letter, click here.

On May 22, 2023, the Special Committee put Jackson Gatlin under church discipline and laid out the start of a path for reconciliation and restoration.  Church discipline is divine authority delegated to the church by Jesus to maintain order through the correction of sinning church members for the good of those caught in sin, for the purity and unity of the church, and for the glory of God.  For more on church discipline, please see Matthew 18:15-20, Romans 16:17-18, 1 Corinthians 5, Galatians 1:8-9 and 6:1-2, 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15, and Titus 3:10-11.  As of January 10, 2025, Jackson has not expressed or demonstrated a willingness to participate in the process of reconciliation and restoration the Special Committee described.  For more details, click here to see the church discipline letter sent to Jackson.

On June 4, 2023, Michael Gatlin emailed the Special Committee regarding church discipline.  In that email, Michael asked the Duluth Vineyard to officially remove him and Brenda Gatlin as members of the Duluth Vineyard.  They were removed as requested.  For more information, click here to read the email exchange.

On June 8, 2023, the Special Committee responded to issues raised by Michael Gatlin regarding Church Discipline.  For more information, click here to read the email exchange.

On July 6, 2023, Robb Morgan emailed the Duluth Vineyard with questions and concerns related to the timeline Duluth Vineyard had posted on its website.  The message included this statement, “These concerns in no way attempt to protect the Gatlins OR minimize their responsibility to DV, reporting victims and the investigative process.”  To read the email messages, click here.

On July 19, 2023, Duluth VIneyard asked VIneyard USA to provide financial support for a healing path. To read the letter, click here. To read VUSA’s response, click here.

On August 22, 2023, officials from St. Louis County conducted a mandated reporter training for the Duluth Vineyard staff.

On September 10, 2023, the Duluth Vineyard began a series of talks on lament at our weekend services.  Pain, trauma and grief are not tame.  And, they’re vicious. Lament gives us permission to wrestle with our sorrow instead of rushing to the end.  Lament is how we bring our sorrow to God and process it.  All humans cry, but followers of Jesus lament.  In faith, we turn to God and ask:  Where are you/where were you? And, if you love me, then why?  And, as we invite God into that place, our hearts turn to trust, even praise.  For more, click here.

On September 20, 2023, Trisha Taylor and Elissa Lappenga of The Leader’s Journey began training our leaders to hold space for healing.  Everyone is in a different spot when it comes to processing the trauma of the last year.  Many are experiencing trauma and betrayal from the Gatlins’ behavior that they need to process further.  Many are experiencing trauma from losing the Gatlins.  They are loved and missed.  And, many are experiencing guilt and sorrow for their involvement in a church where the Gatlins could cause so much harm.  For those that need some help, the Vineyard is preparing our leaders to offer healing path opportunities.

On October 3, 2023, Jackson Gatlin was charged with criminal sexual conduct and taken into custody.  Five criminal complaints were filed against him.  To read the complaints, click here (contains graphic depictions of alleged sexual abuse).  Please also see the message from the Special Committee on October 3rd.

  • For records related to the criminal case against Jackson Gatlin, click here. In Case Search select “Case Number” and search for the following case numbers: 69DU-CR-23-2646;  69DU-CR-23-2647; 69DU-CR-23-2648; 69DU-CR-23-2650; and 69DU-CR-23-2651.

On November 2, 2023 at a Regional Conference, John Kliewer and Steph Bremer met with Jon Elmer, Danny Mercado and Letty Mercado to discuss Duluth Vineyard and Vineyard USA’s relationship. Although scheduled to attend, Jay Pathak did not attend this meeting. During the discussion, John Kliewer listed ways that Vineyard USA’s October 12, 2023 public statement did not reflect the reality experienced by the Duluth Vineyard. He made the point that the parties were viewing their relationship differently and that actions taken by Vineyard USA were harming the Duluth Vineyard. To read follow-up emails after this meeting, click here.

On November 20, 2023, GRACE (Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment) sent the final report from their independent investigation to the Special Committee.  GRACE is a nationally recognized organization that works to address and prevent sexual abuse within Christian communities.  GRACE was retained by the Special Committee to conduct an independent investigation and analysis.  GRACE made findings related to sexual misconduct, cover up, abuse of pastoral or spiritual power, and emotional abuse. The accounts of abuse and harm described in the GRACE report are a representative sample of the reports that GRACE could corroborate.  Separate from the GRACE report, the Special Committee has heard dozens of personal testimonies during 2023 from people who bravely came forward with their experience of spiritual or emotional abuse by Michael, Brenda and Jackson Gatlin.  To read the full GRACE report, click here.  The Special Committee’s statement at the time is on the updates page of our website.

Throughout the year in conversations with Duluth Vineyard staff, Vineyard USA (particularly Rob Morgan) “identified” negative ways that the Duluth Vineyard family system operated and then framed its concerns or objections to actions taken by the Duluth Vineyard as being consistent with how the family system would operate. For example, when employees left the Duluth Vineyard staff, Michael and Brenda Gatlin would frequently treat those employees as disloyal, gossiping about them and cutting them off. Robb identified this behavior as being part of the Duluth Vineyard’s family system. He then raised concerns about Duluth Vineyard’s negative treatment of Michael and Brenda following their departure as being consistent with the behavior of Duluth Vineyard’s family system. To read related text messages, click here.

On November 27, 2023, the Duluth Vineyard hosted a training on understanding abuse in the church.  God loves and works through his church.  And abuse can happen anywhere, even at church.  We need to be able to recognize abuse in its many forms (sexual, emotional, spiritual, etc.) so that we can confront and prevent it.  In this learning opportunity, Trisha Taylor and Elissa Lappenga from The Leader’s Journey helped us understand what abuse is (and isn’t), how it happens and how to address it in order to make our churches, our families, and those we love places of safety and healing.

On December 1, 2023, Duluth Vineyard asked Vineyard USA for a break from interactions between the two organizations. To read the email messages, click here.

On December 7, 2023, Duluth Vineyard hosted a Lament and Repentance Service related to the abuse found in the GRACE report.  This service was an opportunity to bring our sorrow to God. We cried out and lamented the trauma and betrayal the Gatlins’ behavior has caused. We remembered and lamented the loss of the Gatlins as trusted leaders. And, we pressed into our collective guilt and sorrow for our involvement in a church where the Gatlins could cause so much harm. We shed tears, asked hard questions, and turned back to God in praise because God is our hope and we will cling to him.  To watch this special service, click here.  For our related sermon series on lament, click here.

On December 14, 2023, the Special Committee sent an updated church discipline letter to Michael and Brenda Gatlin.  Church discipline is divine authority delegated to the church by Jesus to maintain order through the correction of sinning church members for the good of those caught in sin, for the purity and unity of the church, and for the glory of God.  For more on church discipline, please see Matthew 18:15-20, Romans 16:17-18, 1 Corinthians 5, Galatians 1:8-9 and 6:1-2, 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15, and Titus 3:10-11. For more details, click here to read the updated church discipline letter sent to Michael and Brenda. 

On December 14, 2023, the Special Committee sent an updated church discipline letter to Jackson Gatlin.  Church discipline is divine authority delegated to the church by Jesus to maintain order through the correction of sinning church members for the good of those caught in sin, for the purity and unity of the church, and for the glory of God.  For more on church discipline, please see Matthew 18:15-20, Romans 16:17-18, 1 Corinthians 5, Galatians 1:8-9 and 6:1-2, 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15, and Titus 3:10-11.  For more details, click here to read the updated church discipline letter sent to Jackson.

On December 14, 2024, Vineyard USA tells the Duluth Vineyard that it is unable to support the particulars of Duluth Vineyard’s church discipline plan for the Gatlins. To read the email messages, click here.

On December 20, 2023, the Church Council met.  All six members were present.  With the receipt of the final GRACE report and their work providing independent oversight of the investigation complete, the Church Council disbanded the Special Committee.  As a committee of the Church Council, all the Special Committee’s authority was derived from the Church Council and continues with the Church Council, including the authority over church discipline.  The Church Council also appointed Ben Mork, former chair of the Special Committee, as the Church Council’s point person for church discipline related to the Gatlins.

On January 2 and 31, 2024, Michael & Brenda Gatlin sent emails in response to Duluth Vineyard’s church discipline. To read the email messages, click here.

In February 2024, Vineyard USA’s exercise of church discipline for the Gatlins included seeking to connect victims of their abuse with the Gatlins.

  • An email to a potential victim from Robb Morgan included: “As you may know, VineyardUSA is working to administer a church discipline process for grievances against the Gatlins that are beyond any offenses and conduct reported to the Duluth Vineyard and/or directly reported to VUSA.
    At this time, Michael and Brenda have indicated their willingness to attend to any allegations of misconduct, offer a response and have committed to repair relationships as required by Scripture and afforded by God’s grace. VineyardUSA is asking any current and former Vineyard pastors or leaders who have submitted allegations of misconduct, offense or wrongdoing to engage in this process. Our hope is that steps towards reconciliation will bear evidence to the claims of the gospel to a watching world as each person is animated by God’s grace and Spirit. We would like to ask that, if willing, you articulate the misconduct or offense in writing with your name attached so that they can be put before Michael and Brenda for a response. If you are willing, provide your grievance to VUSA in writing by Feb 28, 2024 (approx 3+ weeks). John Elmer and I (Robb Morgan) will submit them to Michael and Brenda with a timeline in which a response is expected, likely two weeks.
    If you are willing or desire to meet in person or via Zoom, or have any specific expectations, please let us know when you submit your email so that your requests can be considered as part of the response requested of the Gatlins.”

On February 29, 2024, the Duluth Vineyard was making progress implementing the recommendations found in the GRACE report.  This process is being led by the Senior Leadership Team with oversight from the Church Council.  The implementation of recommendations A, B, D, H and J has been completed.  Of note, pursuant to recommendation H, Clint Considine (our outreach pastor and a social work student at UMD) has been identified as our point of responsibility to lead and oversee our trauma-informed approach.  The work on recommendations E and I is ongoing and expected to be completed within the next year.  The work on recommendations C, F, G and K is also ongoing, yet these recommendations are not expected to have a set completion date as much as to become an ongoing part of the fabric of the Duluth Vineyard.  We remain grateful for the expert recommendations within the GRACE report and intend to implement them all.  These changes will help make our community a safer place.  They will also help us establish a culture that is more resistant to abuse and toxicity. 

On March 14, 2024, Vineyard USA provided feedback on an update concerning church discipline that Duluth Vineyard planned to post on March 14, 2024 to the Duluth Vineyard website. To read the email message, click here.

On March 14, 2024, the Church Council was continuing to pray that, through church discipline and a process of repentance, reconciliation and restoration, truth, mercy, justice and peace will meet as described in Psalm 85:10.  The church discipline against Michael, Brenda and Jackson Gatlin remained fully in place.  The process of reconciliation and restoration for Michael and Brenda was effectively stalled and the process for Jackson was awaiting completion of the criminal case against him.  We owe a duty to our community to keep them updated regarding the church discipline of our former senior pastors.

  • On January 31, 2024, Michael and Brenda submitted statements to the Church Council related to their response to certain allegations of misconduct made in 2019 regarding Jackson Gatlin and the HLI training program.
  • Michael and Brenda’s path to restoration continues to include participating in additional fact-finding to supplement the GRACE report, including being interviewed by GRACE or another independent investigator working on the Duluth Vineyard’s behalf.
  • None of the Gatlins have demonstrated meaningful repentance.  Similarly, they have not expressed any remorse for their actions or admitted any sin against our church or its people.
  • The Church Council has received reports that Michael and Brenda are violating Duluth Vineyard’s church discipline by attending services at a Vineyard church in Colorado.
  • The Church Council has also heard concerns that Michael and Brenda are praying for people at such church in Colorado.  The Church Council has directed those raising such concerns to voice them to the leadership of that church.  This local church in Colorado is also under the leadership of the National Director of Vineyard USA.
  • As is their right, the Vineyard church in Colorado that Michael and Brenda are attending has chosen not to support Duluth Vineyard’s church discipline.  Similarly, Vineyard USA is not supporting the particulars of Duluth Vineyard’s church discipline plan.

On March 22, 2024, a statement that Vineyard USA sent to all its Regional, Association and Area Leaders was shared with Duluth Vineyard. To read the email, click here.

  • The statement reads in part, “Vineyard USA has also requested that the Duluth Vineyard refrain from speaking to or about other churches and the support of Vineyard USA in ways that may be considered disparaging. The support offered to the Duluth Vineyard by Vineyard USA has been ongoing and significant. Further, the support of the Arvada Vineyard to previous agreements was with the full awareness and cooperation of the leadership of the Duluth Vineyard. To state otherwise is inaccurate.”
    • This implicit characterization of Duluth Vineyard’s March 14, 2024 update as inaccurate contrasts with Vineyard USA’s previous (March 12th) description of such update as factually accurate, yet incomplete and misleading.  Also, note that on December 14, 2024, Vineyard USA told the Duluth Vineyard that it was unable to support the particulars of Duluth Vineyard’s church discipline plan for the Gatlins.

On April 14, 2024, John Kliewer sent a letter to Vineyard USA requesting support from Vineyard USA for the Duluth Vineyard. To read the letter, click here.

On May 9, 2024 in an email to concerned parents, Jay Pathak said in part:  I have pasted below a communication we sent to our AL’s and RL’s after Duluth’s statement. We’ve been in dialogue with Duluth since the statement as we too were very surprised by their statement. VUSA and the Arvada Vineyard had a clear agreement with them that was being lived out to the best of everyone’s ability and thus their statement was inaccurate, divisive, and damaging. VUSA has worked to support Duluth Vineyard and is continuing to try to stay in dialogue with them about their experience as well as the experience of the victims. The Arvada Vineyard worked within the agreements with the Duluth Vineyard and any statement otherwise is inaccurate.”

  • To assess the veracity and propriety of Jay’s statements, please see the communications between VUSA and Duluth Vineyard on December 14, 2023, March 12, 2024 and March 22, 2024 and Duluth Vineyard’s church discipline letter that was sent to Jay on December 14, 2023.

On May 23, 2024, Robb Morgan sent a response on behalf of the board of trustees of Vineyard USA. To read the response, click here. To read related emails, click here.

On May 31, 2024, a Gatlin Guidepost Solutions investigation was announced by Vineyard USA.  Vineyard USA’s statement included the following:

  • “Vineyard USA has received allegations of leadership misconduct related to the trans-local leadership of Michael and Brenda Gatlin (i.e. their time as Area Leaders, Regional Leaders, or overseeing Multiply Vineyard). With awareness of the practical limitations of previous processes and the defined scope of the GRACE investigation concluded in November 2023,  Vineyard USA has determined the need to provide the opportunity for those leadership misconduct allegations to be investigated. Therefore, Vineyard USA has engaged Guidepost Solutions to conduct a limited-scope investigation related to non-criminal allegations of misconduct while serving as trans-local leaders for VUSA (i.e. ALs, RLs, Multiply Vineyard, Super Regional Leader and/or Trustee).”

To make a report please contact the Guidepost Solutions confidential reporting hotline by email at [email protected]

On July 18, 2024, Robb Morgan, John Elmer, Trisha Taylor and John Kliewer met at the Vineyard National Conference in Denver. Vineyard USA expressed major concerns and uncertainty related to who they were communicating with at the Duluth Vineyard (who is speaking for the Duluth Vineyard) and stated that they felt Duluth Vineyard had been untrustworthy after failing to meet commitments in the way VUSA expected. John Kliewer explained why he sent the April 14th letter requesting support, including the disconnect between Vineyard USA saying they are supporting the Duluth Vineyard and Duluth Vineyard not feeling supported. John Kliewer stated that, when the allegation surfaced in October 2022, the Duluth Vineyard wanted help from Vineyard USA, but was cautious because Vineyard USA had long supported Michael and Brenda’s power. When Duluth Vineyard eventually reached out for support in December 2022, the Duluth Vineyard wanted protection, but VUSA continued to support the Gatlin’s power; wanted good advice, but got a fundamental disagreement about being victim-centric; and wanted care, but was both jealous of the care given to the Gatlins and felt attacked by VUSA under the umbrella of family systems and complicity. John Kliewer expressed his view that Vineyard USA had made the situation worse for the Duluth Vineyard.

On October 25, 2024, Vineyard USA made public on their website Guidepost’s Independent Investigation Report dated October 10, 2024 related to Michael & Brenda Gatlin Leadership. To read the report, click here. On that same day, Duluth Vineyard emailed a related statement to its members and attenders. To read the statement, click here.

On October 30, 2024, John Kliewer sent a letter to Guidepost Solutions related to their Independent Investigation Report dated October 10, 2024 concerning Michael & Brenda Gatlin Leadership  To read the letter, click here.

  • The letter contains the following:  “Prior to your investigation, I heard from victims and others about their fear that the goal of this “independent” investigation was actually to minimize the responsibility of the Gatlins and Vineyard USA. They worried that you would report on some limited wrongdoing in order to paper over the bigger problems. When your report describes the tip of the iceberg, not the iceberg itself (as it does with the Gatlins, Jay and Robb), and when you use false equivalencies (i.e., giving Michael a voice and vouching for his credibility, reporting on Duluth Vineyard’s knowledge and response in a way that obscures Vineyard USA’s actions, and failing to fully recognize Vineyard USA’s responsibility for their own employees), those fears appear justified.”
  • On October 31, 2024, the following response was received from Guidepost Solutions:  “Hi John. Thanks so much for your feedback and we appreciate all your help and candidness in our efforts. We find that in cases like this one, it is difficult to fully satisfy everyone’s hopes for the investigation. You cite a number of areas where you think we could have provided more detail but in the end our focus was a determination relative to the Gatlins’ leadership and the response by VUSA. We did include a bit about Duluth’s response or lack thereof given that it was a theme we repeatedly heard about from many, including yourself. I am sorry that in the end, you were ultimately not satisfied with the detail of the report. In this specific investigation, numerous reporters asked that their confidentiality be preserved and many recounted similar events and experiences which we aggregated to protect the identity of individuals. Again, we appreciate your feedback and your assistance in efforts. Thanks”

On October 30, 2024, the Duluth Vineyard was served as a defendant in nine personal injury lawsuits brought by Jackson Gatlin’s victims. In addition to naming the Duluth Vineyard, the defendants also include Jackson, Michael and Brenda Gatlin and Vineyard USA. 

  • In a prior statement on October 25th, the Church Council wrote:  “No one ever wants to be sued in civil court. Yet, we welcome this case and pray that it can bring healing and justice for the victims. Further, a case like this can help determine the relative responsibility of various parties. Although what we can do financially is limited by the size of our resources, insurance coverage and outstanding debt, as a church we want to follow the way of Jesus and take responsibility for the harm we are judged to have caused. Civil litigation is a slow and imperfect process and it may be a long time before any final judgment is reached. Let’s all pray for patience and for God to use this litigation to advance his will here on earth like it is in heaven.”
  • For court records related to the civil cases, click here. In Case Search, select “Case Number” and search for the following case numbers: 69DU-CV-24-2712; 69DU-CV-24-2713;  69DU-CV-24-2714; 69DU-CV-24-2718; 69DU-CV-24-2719; 69DU-CV-24-2722; 69DU-CV-24-2738; 69DU-CV-24-2740; and 69DU-CV-24-2741.

On November 6, 2024, Jackson Gatlin pled guilty to five counts of criminal sexual conduct pursuant to a plea agreement. In court, it was stated that all the victims in these cases agreed to the plea agreement. Jackson’s crimes occurred when he was a volunteer youth leader at the Duluth Vineyard and Jackson was later employed by the church as a pastoral assistant. Jackson’s parents, Michael and Brenda Gatlin, were the Duluth Vineyard’s senior pastors. The statute of limitations prevents criminal charges from being brought against Michael and Brenda for failure to report suspected child abuse. Further, an independent investigation by Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment (GRACE) also found instances of spiritual abuse: click here to read the report.

  • In a November 6, 2024 statement, the Church Council wrote: “To all the victims, we hope and pray that Jackson’s guilty plea is a positive step in your process of healing. We are humbled by your bravery and thankful that you can support each other. We again say that we are so sorry. Our hearts are truly broken by your pain. On behalf of the Duluth Vineyard, we apologize for the abuse you suffered. The way you were treated was evil and we are sorry that the Duluth Vineyard was the kind of place where this kind of behavior could happen. We reiterate the lament and repentance we shared at our service on December 7, 2023.”

On November 25, 2024, victims of Jackson Gatlin’s abuse made victim impact statements in court. On November 25 & 26, 2024, the Honorable Dale O. Harris sentenced Jackson to 156 months in prison for criminal sexual conduct in five separate cases. Jackson’s sentences will be served concurrently. Jackson will be eligible for parole after serving two-thirds of his sentence and will be required to register as a sex offender after release.

  • For the Minnesota Department of Corrections website and Jackson Gatlin’s status and location, click here.


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