The Emotionally Focused ministry exists to provide you with support and guidance on that journey. Emotionally Focused is a process that leads participants to take steps toward an integrated, missional life by developing awareness of the obstacles to such a life—personal and cultural— and overcoming them by practicing growing authenticity with oneself, with God and with others in community. The missional life is a life of joy, passion and purpose that when lived well, empowers you to join God in God’s mission of reconciliation and restoration. An integrated missional life is one in which your life joins God in God’s mission of reconciliation, expressed in all areas of your life—where you live, work and play. All formation for the sake of mission.
The Emotionally Focused: Foundation Intensive is a two-day experience that helps us dive into our journey of personal transformation. Sometimes we don't understand why we struggle to show up and be the authentic person that God wants us to be in our family and day to day relationships. Emotionally Focused helps us look at times and places in our lives that have shaped us and still affect us years later. As we grow in self-awareness we can learn to turn off some of the automatic responses that lead to fear, anger, habitual sin, anxiety, and so much more. Learning that we've developed self-protection as a way to feel safe in so many situations, allows us the opportunity to trust God more. Believing who he says we are made to be and receiving his love and acceptance changes us forever to become a calm peaceful presence in all our interactions. Join us for Emotionally Focused: Foundation to begin your transformation journey of a lifetime!
Personal transformation requires commitment, patience, and practice. Emotionally Focused: Formation is a 24-week small group process with homework and personal coaching that will help you develop the skills to grow in your obedience to Jesus. You will meet every two weeks via Zoom with your 201 facilitator, and engage in weekly coaching calls for support and encouragement. Emotionally Focused: Formation dives deeper into the concepts learned in Emotionally Focused: Foundation, and provides ample opportunity for you to develop and integrate new practices that will help you show up more authentically in your relationships. We believe that the most important next step you can take after completing Emotionally Focused: Foundation is to register for Emotionally Focused: Formation.
Emotionally Focused: Family is a 10-week small group process that helps you grow in mastery of the things you learned in Foundation and Formation. In Emotionally Focused: Family, you will learn about the impact of anxiety on family and relational systems, grow in your own self awareness of your own anxiety and coping mechanisms, and will begin to practice tools that will enable you to manage your anxiety in your own family and relational systems. This series is also held via Zoom. Each session lasts 75 minutes and requires weekly journaling and practice between Zoom sessions. Participants must have completed Emotionally Focused: Foundation and Emotionally Focused: Formation to be eligible for this class.
It is the desire of God’s heart for us to live fully human, fully alive lives so that we can be on mission with him in bringing healing to our world. Emotionally Focused: Mission is an 8 week Zoom series that focuses on sharing Jesus with neighbors, family, friends, strangers, or anyone you meet. Through weekly Zoom sessions with your facilitator and homework assignments, you’ll develop a greater understanding of the purpose and plan God has for you in this amazing adventure of joining him in his mission. It is not necessary to have completed Emotionally Focused: Formation or Emotionally Focused: Family to be eligible for this class.