
Vineyard Kids On Demand

Vineyard Kids

Our mission in Vineyard Kids is to love children and to teach them to experience and participate in the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is everywhere that God is King, which means if we let God get his way in our lives, the kingdom of God is in us. So, we spend time modeling and teaching the kids who God is, what his will is, how he loves us, and how we can let him have his way in our lives.

We want to partner with parents by:

  • Providing a safe and age appropriate space for children to learn and grow
  • Allowing parents to attend church for themselves
  • Guiding and equipping parents with tools and resources to help them be the primary spiritual influencers in their homes

We are committed to teaching children the truth about who God is and who he says they are, and teaching them how they can become more like Jesus. We also have events and small groups for families and students throughout the year.

Masks are optional in Vineyard Kids. 

Upcoming Events

Sunday, 11:00 AM
Duluth Vineyard Church
Sunday, 9:00 AM
Duluth Vineyard Church
Sunday, 9:00 AM
Duluth Vineyard Church
Sunday, 11:00 AM
Duluth Vineyard Church
Sunday, 9:00 AM
Duluth Vineyard Church

Early Childhood

(6 Weeks through Kindergarten)

Our vision and passion in Vineyard Kids is to bring kids face to face with Jesus. We seek to provide a safe and welcoming environment where children can come as they are to experience the wonder, love and presence of Jesus that is designed uniquely for them. Parents can relax knowing while they are engaged in the service, their children are involved in a rich environment filled with relevant, fun, relational learning.

We know it can feel strange to leave your child with others. We deeply value the safety and security of all children and volunteers. Each of our Vineyard Kids volunteers completes an application process, including a security background check, before joining our team.

No matter which class your child goes to, he or she will be checked in each week and given a security sticker with a unique code on it and a corresponding parent sticker. For your child’s safety, only the person with the matching security sticker will be allowed to check him or her out of the classroom. We also use this code to contact parents via the projector in the auditorium if there is ever a need.

VineyardKids is structured to give your kids the best possible experience while with us. Classrooms are divided by age. The infant classroom is for children 6 weeks through 1 year (or walking), and from 1 year to 5 years, each age has a classroom.

Nursery: 6 weeks to 24 months
Our ministry to children at the Vineyard begins in the nursery. We see our time with infants and toddlers as an opportunity to express the love of Jesus to them every time we hold them, feed them a bottle and care for their needs. During their time in the nursery, they will have supervised free play, hear stories and songs about God and be prayed for by our trained nursery volunteers.

Early Childhood: 2 Years to Kindergarten
We believe that even our youngest Vineyard Kids can accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior, love him wholeheartedly and grow into his devoted followers. The leaders in the early childhood classrooms take seriously the responsibility and the privilege of being among the first persons outside of the family to introduce small children to Jesus. During their time with us, children worship as a large group, then split up into age specific class rooms where they receive Bible teaching and do fun crafts and activities to reinforce the teaching. Every week, we also send a take-home sheet with the child that has great activities related to the lesson for you to do as a family all week long.

Grade School

(Kindergarten through 5th Grade)

On the weekends the children spend time in large and small groups during each service. In large groups, they enjoy energetic worship and learn through our intentional lesson times. We practice learning to pray like Jesus, do what Jesus did, understand what the Bible says, and even spend some practicing learning to hear God’s voice through quiet times of silence. In small groups, children have a place to belong, a place to be heard, and a place to meet new friends. There is also time for children to receive prayer and pray for others.

Our leaders love serving your students. They model relationship with God and others well, teach God’s promises, and point to Jesus as our guide.

Students Kindergarten through 3rd Grade meet downstairs in the Vineyard Kids space. 4th and 5th Grade students meet in the Fruit of the Vine space.

In RiseUp, we’ve created a space where 4th and 5th graders can feel as though they belong, a place where they can be heard, a place where they can build life-long relationship skills.

RiseUp is a place where our committed leaders and parents can work together to give tweens a boost up before they take the leap into the sometimes tough Jr. High years, developing a personal relationship with God that will dramatically impact their lives and their influence within the world.

We also have connection events and small groups throughout the year for our 4th and 5th graders.


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To Report Abuse or Other Concerns

(877) 817-9145 or online


In-Person Services:

Arrowhead – Sundays at 9am & 11am
1533 W Arrowhead Rd. Duluth, MN 55811

3833 E Superior St, Duluth, MN 55804

Online Services – Sundays at 9 & 11am

Lobby Hours:
Tuesday – Thursday 9am-1pm

Fruit of the Vine Hours:
Tuesday 6-8pm & Saturday 9:30-11:30am

(218) 525-3462 · [email protected]