The Duluth Vineyard is part of a community of churches (Vineyard USA) who reproduce our communities of faith and discipleship to the next neighborhood, town, or city. We do this not because we think we’re the best church in town, rather because we just really like who God has called us to be and we want to reach our friends, neighbors, and family members with the life-changing great news of the availability of the kingdom of God.
When people begin to experience for themselves the personal presence and power of the resurrected Christ—everything changes in our lives. God really does rescue us from the brokenness we know so well, and he begins a process of changing us from the inside out. Jesus is not only the one who created life, he’s the one who knows how this life is supposed to work. So when we align our lives with his, we begin to experience the healing and love we so long for.
Church planting is about extending this to the next neighborhood, the next community or county. We don’t think we’re better than anyone else, we just want to see our friends and families, our neighbors have the same opportunities to connect with Christ that we have. And so we are working to reproduce healthy Vineyard churches in every single part of our country and around the world. We want to extend the kingdom of God by establishing healthy, reproducing Vineyard churches that transform our local communities.
We believe that healthy churches grow and reproduce. We see this same pattern in the New Testament, where the people from one church go to a neighboring community and start another church (1 Thessalonians 1:8, Acts 14:21-27, Acts 1:8).When you trace the expansion of Christianity throughout the book of Acts from Jerusalem to Judea to Samaria and to the uttermost parts of the earth you see that the church planters led the way. Paul and Barnabas did not just do missionary outreach, they left something behind—they planted churches. We simply want to follow that pattern; helping people in every community become students or apprentices of Jesus Christ.
Here are the churches we’ve sent out: