“The Vineyard is a blessing to me. My story isn’t anything special, but so fundamental. I needed to find a church after moving to Duluth, but I didn’t want to go alone. Why is it we need a friend to be able to try something? Well, that was me, the common person. I asked a friend where she went to church. Long story short, I decided on a bitter cold February Sunday to come to the Duluth Vineyard. Guess who was at the welcome center that Sunday? My friend! Her smile and hug with no apprehension put in in a warm and fuzzy place. I grabbed that warm cup of coffee and found a seat in the auditorium. I fell in love instantly with the music, worship, message, and now I know that the Holy Spirit was sitting right by my side.
Since then I have come to know that God lead me to this church and community. This church not only gives in so many wonderful ways to our community, but it gave me a community to give back what God has blessed me with and helped me grow more than I thought was possible.
-Heather Meineke