“I felt, for most of my life, that I was lost in my sins and that there wasn’t any way to change, then I went to a concert with a friend at a church and I was convicted right then and there that God loved me in my sin and filth, and He would take me “just as I am”. Â I don’t know, however, if many people enjoyed the concert because I sobbed all through the two hours I was there!
I recently had a heart attack (my seventh). During the course of the surgery, the pain became unbearable and I told them to stop. I was ready to meet my Savior. The cardiologist said the vessel was bent over like a hair pin, and he knew he could get through the vessel, once he was able to maneuver around that bend.  Then my cardiologist told me he was through the bend, but he was shocked to find that my heart had grown it’s own bypass! They finished the surgery and I had many visitors over the next couple of days who were doctors, and they asked me if I knew I had received a miracle. I shared that God had answered prayers and supplied my needs all of my life. I went to cardiac rehab and continued to strengthen my heart there and at the gym. Last week, I went for my follow up and my vascular surgeon told me that he wanted to know what power I had, because my legs were growing collateral vessels now too! I have claudication in my legs. I told him I had no power, but that my God has all power, and he held my hand and said, “Keep it up”. This is just one of the many ways that God has cared for me and my family all of my life.
God is faithful – all the time, and I tell people about what God has done for my heart. -Not only amazing surgery, but He healed my broken down, hurting, painful heart, and gave me life, with Him, free and forever.”
—Corrine Koch