God is so good and continues to give us new creative ways to serve our city by meeting practical and spiritual needs in our Fruit of the Vine Food Shelf. Along with doing unlimited drive-through visits and delivering food to those in need, June has been full of things to celebrate:
- We had a fun produce giveaway where we got to serve 89 households with additional fresh produce like apples, clementines, asparagus, and more!
- One guest told us a volunteer prayed with her for her knee to be healed as she was going to need surgery. She came back at the next food shelf and told us her knee was totally healed! She went in for an x-ray and the doctor was stumped and she didn’t need surgery. Praise God!
- We had a guest tell us that the unlimited visits this month saved her so much on groceries that she was able to save up to get the brakes on her car fixed!
- We’ve also been able to give away masks and hygiene items. We had a woman who has been living out of her car visiting our food shelf and we’ve loaded her up with groceries specific to what she can use (ready-to-eat type items). She came in a few weeks ago and when we offered her hygiene items she was so overwhelmed with joy! She hadn’t had access to these in weeks, and got deodorant, laundry detergeant, and soap that was much needed.
- A case manager came through to pick up for his clients, then came back again at the end.. we thought he was there to pick up for some more clients, but he came back because he bought all the volunteers dilly bars from DQ “because it was hot out” and appreciated us.
Thanks for being a generous church that supports this ministry!
—Katie Walker