Each time we do Baptisms at the Duluth Vineyard, we like to ask folks about why they decided it was time to be baptized. Here’s what they shared with us:
“I never understood when people talked about being a born again Christian, what that meant. Now that I’ve experienced Jesus and how he has changed my life and changed me as a person, I am ready for the symbolic washing away of the old me and my old ways for they are dead and I have new life in Christ.” — Alex Kirschbaum
“God continues to bless me through the dark times I’ve walked through. I want to be baptized as a sign of spiritual growth and rededication to him, my beautiful Lord and Savior.” —Annie Tusha
“To be able to make a life long commitment of love, caring, and understanding.” —Dan Baker
“I want to live a life with Jesus in my heart.” —Jessica Sandberg
“I want to be obedient and grow closer to Jesus.” —Tawnee Lee
“I’ve wanted to be baptized in the holy spirit since I was saved. My son Alex is being baptized and he asked me if I would like to do it the same day with him. I was moved to tears with the thought that he wanted to share that experience with me since we started our walk with Christ together. I feel very blessed to have this opportunity with the Vineyard Church.” —Mike Kirschbaum
“I was baptized as an infant, and now I’d like to be baptized again because of the intimate love I have for Jesus, and this time it will mean so much more to Jesus and I both because it would be of my own choice and understanding.” —Alexandria Merritt
“All of my life I’ve felt that there was something more I was supposed to do, that there was something missing and it was Jesus and I’m on the path to no longer being lost.” —Monica Earlywine