I’ve Been Set Free!

“My chains are broken. I’ve been set free!

I gave my life to Christ at the little Vineyard Church out in Lakeside on Mother’s Day 1999.

I had been raised in a home without a father. I had been to church but never knew who Jesus was. I made many bad decisions in my life.  Even after I gave my life to Christ, I continued to make bad decisions. I am like the woman at the well. I have had several failed marriages.

Because of these things, I had built up some really high, thich walls that no one, not even God was going to penetrate, because I wasn’t willing to get hurt again. I was full of pride and shame and sin and tried my hardest to look like I had my life “together”.

But Jesus knew me. He knew this was going to take time and his sweet, humble, loving Spirit to “break me”.

Part of his plan was to meet my new family: my husband and his beautiful Mom and Dad! They mentored me in my walk with Jesus. They loved me and showed me how it was done.

There came a time when they were no longer able to get themselves to church. So, my husband and I brought them to church each Sunday and attended church with them. It was there that I decided to get baptized. It was then that I finally started making progress for the kingdom of God. This was the event that changed my life. I needed to fully surrender to my life to Jesus.

The things I know now to be important are reading the bible, praying, spending time with Jesus, baptism, getting prayer, and joining a small group where I can learn and grow, have relationships, and be held accountable. I never understood the importance of these things until I started doing them.

Being obedient to Christ matters. It matters more than how I feel or look to other people.

He met me in my mess and started changing me little by little over many, many years. By God’s grace and mercy, I no longer carry the burden of my shame and pride. I’ve been set free!

I’m back at the Duluth Vineyard now that Dad-in-law has passed away and Mom moved to AZ to be with family.

This place felt like home from the first time I walked through the doors of the little church. And it feels good to be home. Again. (Well almost. My home is in Heaven.)

I’m going to do everything that Jesus asks me until I get there because now that I have tasted and seen what it is like to be a child of God, I would never want anything else.

I’m thankful for all the opportunities to serve and grow and connect here at the Vineyard. I am especially thankful the Vineyard did such a great job of keeping everyone in community during a pandemic!

What can I do to serve and do my part in the kingdom of God? I can’t wait for him to show me!”

—Deb E.