

Series: Heroes of the Faith

Augustine: Freedom Through Joy

July 21, 2013

Aurelius Augustine, a farm kid long ago, changed the world. But, before he rocked history, he was a sex addict, a slave to lust. In the same way God freed Augustine and set his life on fire, God is offering us freedom through joy.

Heroes of the Faith: Throughout history, God’s done some amazing things in people just like us and he’s not done yet. We’re looking at the powerful impact that God can have in our lives, including how the Holy Spirit uses the Bible (for example, the Psalms) to change us.

Lewis: Our Adventure Story – A Journey to Glory

July 14, 2013

C.S. Lewis was an eccentric genius and a master storyteller. From his life and writings, we learn how our lives can be an amazing story.

Heroes of the Faith: Throughout history, God’s done some amazing things in people just like us and he’s not done yet. We’re looking at the powerful impact that God can have in our lives, including how the Holy Spirit uses the Bible (for example, the Psalms) to change us.

Brother Lawrence

July 7, 2013

We all have a hard time finding peace and contentment in life, and we all try to fill it up with different things. But we were made to find that peace and contentment in one thing, a connection to God. This week we looked at the life of Brother Lawrence and how his Practice of the Presence of God, can produce extreme peace and contentment.

Heroes of the Faith: Throughout history, God’s done some amazing things in people just like us and he’s not done yet. We’re looking at the powerful impact that God can have in our lives, including how the Holy Spirit uses the Bible (for example, the Psalms) to change us.

Harriet Tubman: A Big Loser

June 30, 2013

Contrary to our natural tendencies to be comfortable and safe, radically and riskily giving away what we’ve been blessed is one of the most powerful equations to live. Harriet Tubman received greatly from Jesus and gave greatly. Her story is worth following because of it.

Bonhoeffer: Live It

June 16, 2013

Heroes of the Faith: Throughout history, God’s done some amazing things in people just like us and he’s not done yet. We’re looking at the powerful impact that God can have in our lives, including how the Holy Spirit uses the Bible (for example, the Psalms) to change us.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a pastor, a martyr, a prophet and a spy. From his amazing story, we see God’s call to truly live, to live lives in real relationship with Jesus, where we die to ourselves while (crazy as it sounds) experiencing incredible joy.

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