
Author: Andrea Bryant

3-month-old in Remission from Liver Tumor

September 22, 2015 Andrea Bryant
“My 3 month old niece was diagnosed with a malignant liver tumor in February of this year. This was an extremely overwhelming time for my sister and her husband while raising their 5 year old and 3 year old. Many months were spent at children’s hospital in Minneapolis as she endured 6 rounds of chemo,…

God Grants Peace After Loss of Child

September 22, 2015 Andrea Bryant
“On August, 31st 2014 I found out I was pregnant. Later that same day I found out that my baby was dead and that I was going to need emergency surgery to remove him and save my life. God granted me amazing peace in the weeks that followed, but I gave away the peace for…

The Stories of Our Ministires

September 10, 2015 Andrea Bryant
  Compassion Ministries God has brought help and hope to so many in the Twin Ports community through the loving actions of those who serve in our compassion ministries. These ministries are meeting the needs of folks in very practical ways through the distribution of food, a periodic clothing giveaway, prayer ministry, and loving attentive care.…

Why This Matters To Our Leaders

September 10, 2015 Andrea Bryant
We asked some of our team leaders, “Why are you involved with Building Communities of Hope?” Because we love the Vineyard. This community has meant a lot to us in our lives personally and in our faith. We want to share that with other people and provide an opportunity for them to come and be…

Healing at Engaging in the Kingdom

September 10, 2015 Andrea Bryant
A Woman who attended Engaging in the Kingdom shared this cool story: “God was stirring up so many things in me. I cried for the majority of the day. Some of the tears where praises! (Only women understand this!) But some of the tears were tears of grief and sorrow. I felt a sense of…

Woman with Kidney Stones Healed

September 10, 2015 Andrea Bryant
A young lady who attends a small group in Cloquet is sharing her cool story of healing. Last spring when she was pregnant with her first child, she was diagnosed with kidney stones after a painful day and night. Her small group gathered around and prayed for her. Some of the stones were small and passed,…

God Meets Us In Our Need

September 8, 2015 Andrea Bryant
A sweet story of how impactful we can be in people’s lives, comes from this year’s Blessing of the Bikes. A participating prayer team person received the following email. We do not know what God is up to in using our humble “yes” in praying for others: “The woman you [were] praying for was deeply…


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3833 E Superior St, Duluth, MN 55804

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