Casey and Rachel help us start out 2023 with an imaginative prayer exercise about what we desire from Jesus.
Casey begins our once a month series on Old Testament heroes by sharing about how a cynical laughing old lady can help us see Jesus in the midst of our own pain and suffering.
A way of life that actually works includes resting well. Casey shares on what God has for us in rest and how, in our busy, hurried culture we can accept the invitation to find rest for our souls.
When things our lives are going well, it’s easy to see the goodness of God. But what about when things aren’t going well? Is God still good? Casey shares some personal stories where she has asked very question when life isn’t going the way she wanted it to go. But in the end she explains how God is still good, even when we question His goodness.
In this series, we have been looking at the life of Moses and what God has to teach us from his life. Casey shares on what we can learn from Moses and Aaron in Exodus 32 about how we train well and prepare to lead and love well.
In-Person Services:
Arrowhead – Sundays at 9am & 11am
1533 W Arrowhead Rd. Duluth, MN 55811
3833 E Superior St, Duluth, MN 55804
Online Services – Sundays at 9 & 11am
Lobby Hours:
Tuesday – Thursday 9am-1pm
Fruit of the Vine Hours:
Tuesday 6-8pm & Saturday 9:30-11:30am
(218) 525-3462 · [email protected]