
Author: Andrea Bryant

Celebration of Baptisms!

“My Dad had always brought our family to church, as long as I can remember. & now I take my child to church. Our relationship with Jesus has gotten stronger over the years. For me, Baptism is that next step to build that stronger bond with Jesus.” —Shae Radosevich “I got to know Jesus through…

A Flailing Attempt to Discern

“I had always wanted to have a testimony involving a miraculous healing; even better a miraculous healing that coincided with a bright light, a rushing wind, or the doors of the church bursting open (I know the latter sounds extreme but this exact thing happened at the end of my sister’s wedding). I write this…

The Privilege of Delivering Food

“It is such a privilege to connect with individuals who have reached out with a request for food delivery through our Fruit of the Vine Food Shelf. During this pandemic year, I have brought groceries to and prayed with so many different people: an elderly single woman isolated and homebound due to COVID, who had…

Celebrating Baptisms!

Each time we do Baptisms at the Duluth Vineyard, we like to ask folks about why they decided it was time to be baptized. Here’s what they shared with us: “I never understood when people talked about being a born again Christian, what that meant. Now that I’ve experienced Jesus and how he has changed…

I’ve Been Set Free!

“My chains are broken. I’ve been set free! I gave my life to Christ at the little Vineyard Church out in Lakeside on Mother’s Day 1999. I had been raised in a home without a father. I had been to church but never knew who Jesus was. I made many bad decisions in my life.  Even…

Delivering Hope

“I’m so glad we’ve been able to continue delivering food to people in need who we’ve never been able to serve before! This week, one of our volunteers got to talk and pray over the phone with a guest who was experiencing the death of a family member. We were able to deliver food to…

Baptism Stories of Hope

We recently celebrated Baptisms at the Duluth Vineyard. Here are a few stories from folks who participated about why they decided it was time to be baptized: I have surrendered my whole life to Christ and getting baptized is a public testament of my true commitment to him. —Eva Whitehorse It signifies the beginning of…

Finding Peace and Joy in the Advent Season

“September 2018, my world, as I knew it and took for granted, turned upside down after an intestinal surgery went wrong. It was my second such surgery in six months due to a mistake made in my first emergency surgery.  Long story short and after three total surgeries within 14 months, I had no choice…


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1533 W Arrowhead Rd. Duluth, MN 55811

3833 E Superior St, Duluth, MN 55804

Online Services – Sundays at 9 & 11am

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Tuesday – Thursday 9am-1pm

Fruit of the Vine Hours:
Tuesday 6-8pm & Saturday 9:30-11:30am

(218) 525-3462 · [email protected]