
Author: Andrea Bryant

Woman Gets in Community to Give Back to

“The Vineyard is a blessing to me. My story isn’t anything special, but so fundamental. I needed to find a church after moving to Duluth, but I didn’t want to go alone. Why is it we need a friend to be able to try something? Well, that was me, the common person. I asked a…

Finding Home at the Duluth Vineyard

“The morning that I first came to the Vineyard, I almost turned around. It was 9:10, and where I grew up going to church, if you came late you were met with judgmental stares. As I continued driving towards the church, I was just about to drive past, but noticed 2 cars with their blinkers…

God Puts Forgiveness in our Hearts

“I was raised lightly Catholic. I’ve deep down believed in God most my life, but I had lots of guilt for not doing right or doubting His existence. My friend brought me to Duluth Vineyard. My daughter loved it. It was her that kept me coming back. During my time there, I heard God’s voice,…

Extending Our Authentic Community

“I have been a christian my whole life. I spent much of my childhood in the church. My family was always there: serving, going to small groups, and attending service. I didn’t know I was missing anything until I came to the Vineyard with my Boyfriend during my senior year of high school. Walking into…

Couple Finds True Calling at the Vineyard

“In 2007, we stumbled upon the Vineyard in Duluth and since then, our lives have never been the same. This community has loved us and taught us what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. We found our home in the Vineyard and we are so grateful for the opportunities that have been given…

Woman Learns to Find her Identity in Christ

“I did not grow up in a Christian home, but my parents became Christians when I was living out west pursuing my dream of living the “free-life” of snowboarding & skateboarding everyday. At that point in my life, that was all I cared about. I lived & breathed skateboarding and snowboarding. I wanted to go…

Small Boy’s Heart Is Healed

“When we went to our 20 week ultrasound for our 3rd child and we found out he had a heart defect. They told us there was a chance he could die and that if he lived until birth he would need multiple surgeries. We were so devastated. We had been coming to the Vineyard for…

Experiencing the Vineyard Around the World

“I met Jesus at a Vineyard church in Birmingham, England when I was studying abroad in college. God made himself really real to me and began to speak to me about his love. Through the Vineyard there and their small groups, hope entered a pretty dark season of my life. I was worried about what…


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(877) 817-9145 or online


In-Person Services:

Arrowhead – Sundays at 9am & 11am
1533 W Arrowhead Rd. Duluth, MN 55811

3833 E Superior St, Duluth, MN 55804

Online Services – Sundays at 9 & 11am

Lobby Hours:
Tuesday – Thursday 9am-1pm

Fruit of the Vine Hours:
Tuesday 6-8pm & Saturday 9:30-11:30am

(218) 525-3462 · [email protected]